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Accurate Weather

🇸🇰 Presné počasie

Presné počasie


#react #react-native #javascript #axios #google-places-api


Accurate weather is a web and mobile application created in React and React-native. The project is using free API from Norway meteorological institute. The project is in slovak language only using just slovak domain.

Web application

Web application is an interface for displaying actual weather data in the browser. It is created with React JS. The data are visualisation of current day situation. There is also a list of the weather for the future. The visualisation is also made by charts.

Mobile application

Mobile application is created in React-native and it is available in the App Store and Google Play. Application is called Presné počasie. For the mobile application is also created a widget. Widget is made with react-native-shared-group-preferences library.

Presné počasie

